Improving diversity in IT and computing
Amidst rapid technological advancements, the IT sector’s diversity struggles persist, with stark underrepresentation of women and ethnic minorities needing urgent attention.
Amidst rapid technological advancements, the IT sector’s diversity struggles persist, with stark underrepresentation of women and ethnic minorities needing urgent attention.
The City of Philadelphia’s Office for Innovation using the power of public-private partnership to provide internet access to thousands.
Norfolk County Council CTO, Kurt Frary shares his burning desire to leverage technology to improve the lives of every citizen and business in the county.
How AI can help reduce the carbon footprint of the real estate sector and combat climate change
How can artificial intelligence keep people safe? Microsoft and Hexagon are helping emergency services leverage AI
We are now seeing a shift in attitudes to digitalisation in the public sector, writes SSCL’s Matt Hurley
HPE’s Janice Zdankus on tackling the global food crisis.
During an emergency, reliable data can save lives.
Tech For Good speaks to the leadership of the East of England Ambulance Service.
Dr Elinor Carmi, co-director of a new MSc in Data, Policy & Social Justice at City St George’s, University of London, on educating critical thinkers as policymakers of the future.
Amidst rapid technological advancements, the IT sector’s diversity struggles persist, with stark underrepresentation of women and ethnic minorities needing urgent attention.