Stephen Foreshew-Cain writes exclusively for Tech For Good

How to unblock public-sector AI

Stephen Foreshew-Cain, CEO of Scott Logic, explores how the UK public sector can overcome legacy IT, data silos, and skills gaps to successfully adopt AI and transform services.

Combining AI and Blockchain for Improved Data Security

Combining AI and blockchain for improved data security

Combining AI and blockchain revolutionises data security by enhancing integrity, anomaly detection, and automated responses. This synergy creates a robust foundation for safer, more efficient databases across various industries.

An AI future for education?

AI in education offers personalised learning, optimises data, saves time, and can enhance student engagement and understanding.

Trusting AI

Inderpal Bhandari, Global Chief Data Officer of IBM, outlines the key elements needed for AI to become “trusted”

Agent AI

How can artificial intelligence keep people safe? Microsoft and Hexagon are helping emergency services leverage AI

Series Four: Tim Guilliams

Tim Guilliams is co-founder and CEO of Healx.

In this podcast, Tim reveals how machine learning is helping in the discovery of treatments for rare diseases.

Series Two: Chris von Csefalvay

Chris von Csefalvay is VP of Special Projects for Starschema. In this podcast, Chris discusses the company’s initiative to package and share data related to COVID-19 for free, supporting thousands of businesses.


Stephen Foreshew-Cain writes exclusively for Tech For Good

How to unblock public-sector AI

Stephen Foreshew-Cain, CEO of Scott Logic, explores how the UK public sector can overcome legacy IT, data silos, and skills gaps to successfully adopt AI and transform services.

Combining AI and Blockchain for Improved Data Security

Combining AI and blockchain for improved data security

Combining AI and blockchain revolutionises data security by enhancing integrity, anomaly detection, and automated responses. This synergy creates a robust foundation for safer, more efficient databases across various industries.

An AI future for education?

AI in education offers personalised learning, optimises data, saves time, and can enhance student engagement and understanding.

Trusting AI

Inderpal Bhandari, Global Chief Data Officer of IBM, outlines the key elements needed for AI to become “trusted”

Agent AI

How can artificial intelligence keep people safe? Microsoft and Hexagon are helping emergency services leverage AI

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